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How to Select the Best Commercial Lighting

When choosing commercial lighting, it isn’t as simple as going to pick up a lightbulb. There are many things to take into consideration when purchasing and installing lighting. To help you achieve the best commercial lighting possible, we have included our top four elements of commercial lighting you should take into consideration when planning and installing your lighting.

  • Lumens – We recommend you go with LED lighting whenever possible. LED lighting has the best lumens (light output). This type of lighting is also more cost efficient over other lighting options.
  • Aesthetics – Aesthetics are an important aspect to consider when selecting your commercial lighting. You will want to select lighting that will add to the ambiance, luminate areas you want to highlight, and go with the style and feel of your project.
  • Cost – Cost is often the deciding factor when selecting your commercial lighting. We understand how important it is to stay within budget. We also understand how important it is to have a well-lit commercial space. We recommend installing lighting in a way that will maximize their output, use long lasting LED lighting, and when possible to utilize natural light sources.
  • Quality – There are differences in quality of lighting just like there are differences in quality of flooring. It may cost a little more upfront to purchase quality light features, but they will last longer, look better, and save you money in the long run.

We understand commercial lighting. We know how to best illuminate a commercial space so that it looks good, stays within budget, is high quality, and will provide you with more than enough light. Give us a call at Lake Electric Co. Inc. to discuss your many commercial lighting options.