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Important Things to Know about High-Voltage Power Lines

When it comes to following safety protocols around electrical components, you likely know not to stick your fingers into an open outlet, be careful when handling live wires, never mix electrical components with water, etc. The less common electrical knowledge involves high-voltage power lines. While you and your employees have likely seen them around the city and even at your facility, it’s still important to know a few key facts about these power lines.

Here are the most important things you and your employees should know about high-voltage power lines.

  1. They’re not insulated: Many electrical wires are insulated for safety reasons, but high-voltage power lines are typically placed so high up that they are out of the way of danger to most people and animals. However, it’s still important to understand the lack of insulation means that high amounts of power can easily arc off the power lines and to any person or object too close to the line. The safety regulations require a 15-foot minimum clearance between the power line and a person or object. Coming too close and foregoing this regulation could be hazardous.
  2. The high voltage can be transmitted to nearby objects: It’s also important to know that the energy from high-voltage power lines can be easily transmitted to an object that is too close or touching the power line. Touching such an object could result in a significant electric shock, so it’s important to avoid anything that is close to the power lines for safety.
  3. Leave it to the professionals: Whether the high-voltage power lines near your facility need repairs or seem off or had something blown too close to them, it’s important to always leave it to the professionals like us at Lake Electrical Co. Inc. We have the necessary training and expertise to handle any amount of voltage and all electrical components as safely as possible.

You can give us a call if you would like to learn more.