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What Is the Difference Between a Commercial Electrician and a Residential Electrician?

If you’re looking to hire an electrician, you must know which type of electrician you should seek. Unfortunately, many people are unsure of the differences between residential and commercial electricians, so let’s walk through some differences.

  • They offer different services. Residential electricians work on people’s homes, providing services such as inspections, rewiring, repairs, and maintenance. Commercial electricians work in businesses, factories, and commercial buildings, such as apartments or hotels. The jobs that commercial electricians work on tend to be on a much larger scale than a residential electrician, even though they perform many of the same tasks. Commercial electricians also often work on heavy machinery.
  • They use different equipment and supplies. For example, residential electricians typically deal with voltages between 120V-240V; commercial electricians are licensed to handle up to 480V. This is because the electrical power load of the equipment commercial electricians work with is much larger.
  • Their project sizes are different. Since residential electricians work on homes, usually much smaller than businesses or office buildings, their project sizes are smaller. Commercial electricians use more time, skill, and labor to complete their projects. They do, however, occasionally work on extremely large homes or estates.
  • They require different skills and training. For example, although residential and commercial electricians begin with the same level of training, commercial electricians require more experience, including on-the-job training, since their jobs involve more complexity and require additional safety precautions.

At Lake Electric Co. Inc., we have a team of highly trained commercial and industrial electricians to help you with all of your electrical needs for your business, office, factory, or warehouse.  Call us today to schedule a service!