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High-Voltage Power Lines, Gastonia, NC

We are equipped to work on transformers, high-voltage power lines, and your in-house electrical equipment in Gastonia.

High-Voltage Power Lines, Hickory in North Carolina

At Lake Electric Co. Inc., we are equipped to assist with the installation, maintenance and repair of high-voltage power lines in Gastonia, North Carolina. Whether you have a power plant that requires complete installation or there has been severe weather that is affecting your high-voltage power lines, we can address your needs quickly and efficiently.

Not only do we have a diverse fleet of vehicles and skilled employees ready to dispatch to your site, but we also carry in-stock many of the items needed for all your commercial and industrial electrical requirements. We are equipped to work on transformers, high-voltage power lines, and your in-house electrical equipment that supplies your facility with much-needed power.

When dealing with high-voltage power lines, it is very important that you take proper precautions to protect your employees and your facility. While many high-voltage power lines will shut off automatically if there is a fault, it is still important to post the necessary safety information and train your employees on best practices for high-voltage emergencies. This will ensure that everyone on your premises is safe until someone from our team at Lake Electric Co. Inc. can arrive to assist you.

At Lake Electric Co. Inc., we are bonded and insured and provide comprehensive electrical services in the Gastonia area. We have more than 30 years of experience providing safety, quality, production and consistency for our customers, and you can rely on us for all of the commercial and industrial electrical services you need. Contact us today.

At Lake Electric Co. Inc., we service high-voltage power lines throughout Hickory, Lenoir, Morganton, Gastonia, Statesville, Taylorsville, Charlotte, Lincolnton, Mooresville, Lake Norman, and Troutman, North Carolina.